Friday, February 19, 2016

Facebook Community Management Tips

A Facebook community can be a powerful tool for a business to use. It is an inexpensive, easy and effective way to reach out to customers and potential customers. When used properly, a Facebook community grows over time and builds a sense of connectivity between a business and its customers. However, there are some basic Facebook community management tips that businesses should follow in order to get the most out of their online communities.

Meaningful content is important if you want customers to continue to be engaged. Keep in mind that not every person is interested in the same things. Keep things varied so that there is something for everyone. However, you should try to stay on topic, and avoid controversial topics that do not have anything to do with your business interests. Try to include some posts and memes that are easily sharable, and which would make others interested in visiting your page. The usage of compelling and interesting images on your page can also help to engage your visitors and keep them coming back.

Proper timing of posts is another Facebook community management tip that many people overlook. When a person signs onto Facebook, they are typically immersed in a large number of posts originating from a large number of pages. There are peak posting time periods, when large numbers of pages are posting updates. This often equates to people missing your content, because they get lost in the large number of new posts. It can be helpful to post outside of these peak hours, like at the end of a business day or at night, so that your post has less competition on people's pages. Of course, you should continually test your engagement levels, in order to find the perfect posting time for your audience.

Responsiveness to your community's visitors is perhaps one of the most important Facebook community management tips of all. Your visitors need to know that there is a human behind the page. Responding to comments, concerns and questions posted on your community shows that you are engaged and that you care not only about your Facebook community, but also about the people who visit it.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

inbound marketing conference

Inbound marketing calls serve as a huge resource for leads. Millions of potential customers still click and call yet businesses aren't always keeping track of this resource.

An inbound marketing conference teaches businesses how to recognize the potential of these leads as well as how to maximize their potential.

Below, facts detailing why a company should schedule an inbound marketing conference.

*Lead Generation*

A Google study reveals that 70% of people use their smart-phones to click and call a business after seeing an online ad for that service. By 2018, marketing researchers from BIA/Kelsey estimate the number of people using click and call will generate over 73 billion calls. That equates to many potential clients.

*Digital Dependence*

The digital age definitely means that business booms in a new way. The Internet allows business to collect specific data about people who might want to be a client then targets ads to those people via social media, online stores, and more.

However,  many potential consumers want to be able to talk to a company representative when they see these targeted ads. Their urgency could be because of the time sensitive nature of their inquiry. For instance, they may need to quickly book a hotel for a sudden business trip.

If there's not an option for them to call, that could cost the hotel a major account. Overall, this lack of coverage costs businesses major profits each year. One of the worst things about this is that many businesses offer a call option but don't realize its importance. They are too busy focusing on leads generated from digital resources so put all their money into that.

*Inbound Marketing Conference*

An inbound marketing conference can provide several effective solutions to companies that want to make the most of their digital efforts but who also need to learn more about how to use the oldest tool in the trade: the phone.

A phone is more than a computer. To state the obvious, a phone is a phone. A phone still allows people to share their idea via vocal communications. Much of the world still relies on this method of communication to conduct business so if it's not part of your business, learn how to make it so with an inbound marketing conference.